Submersible Pumps
Submersible Pump Repair, Newcastle Utah
Standard Submersible Pump
Submersible pumps are water well pumps that are submerged in water along with the motor. The motor is sealed off from surrounding water and fluid. The benefit of having a submersible pump is a longer lasting pump since it pumps the water up out of the ground instead of having to pull it up from the surface. Having a longer lasting pump results in an overall cost reduction. Since the motor is below ground it also has less noise and no priming concerns since impeller and casing are both submerged.

Solar Powered Pump
A great way to conserve energy and use natural resources is to power your well pump with solar energy. This is a great option to help save a lot of money down the road. Submersible solar pumps can operate completely off solar panels or in a combination with batteries or AC power. During the day the water is pumped when the sun is shining. During times of bad weather the water is also stored in a tank after being pumped. Our experts can help you calculate the power you will need and help maximize the amount of sunlight for the most cost effective option.
VFD Powered Pump
Variable Frequency Drives (VFD) provides an option to users that not only saves money on energy costs, but also extends the life of the equipment. A VFD drive works to maximize efficiency. No power is wasted because of the varying frequencies the drive adjusts to. The best part about the VFD drive is it is programmed to calculate the varying frequencies automatically. The VFD drive is extremely customizable. The main factors that determine how the drive will operate is based on the amount of needed horsepower, the full load amps, voltage and RPM. Our experts can help calculate this for the best results and most cost effective solution.